Been a few days since I posted a Daily, as always been really busy but still managed to get Minecraft Monday posted and the new HSG Competition up and running, Hopefully you have checked it out, I admit I probably didn't choose the best game for this but it was the first one that came to mind when I needed a game I could embed. Maybe I'll have a better one next month sorry if you don't like the game.

Having caught up with all of Yogscast Minecraft videos I was forced to look for more things to watch and again StarCraft 2 has taken my eye, watching Total Biscuit play and cast many different matches is quite fun :D
Looking forward to the coming Weekend it should be really awesome, however for the blog it will be a likely gap in content again...Sorry!, Saturday I've got a party with my girlfriends Mom's friends who are awesome haha You might ask, why and how did you end up being invited to a party with your girlfriend and her Mom and her friends? Well it started months back, the first party they had, they had invited my girlfriend but she didn't want to go alone thinking that 'it would be really boring' cause she didn't know the people and well who thinks that their mothers friends are going to be awesome?
So I got dragged along to this first one and well it was a blast! the people were cool, relaxed and generally it was really fun.

Now her Mom's friend is having another party so we are invited again! :D so we are going on Saturday which will be awesome, however we might not be able to stay as late as last time (like 1am then an hour walk home from my girlfriends house haha) cause on Sunday me, my family and my girlfriend are going to Skegness! (for those out the UK which is most of you, its basically the beach xD) and are leaving in the morning so want to be able to get up on Sunday required Saturday not being too late, I'm thinking around 12 to finish get home for 1AM then sleep for 6 hours :)
As you can tell I've got a busy weekend, I can't wait its gunna be awesome :D
Might get some pictures from Skegness so if there are any good ones I'll post them here but unfortunately the weather is likely to be quite dull, typical British summer.